Wednesday, June 28, 2006

NBC Strikes Deal with Youtube

NBC Youtube

The Wall Street Journal reported that NBC has plans to upload promotional video clips of some of its TV shows, including "Saturday Night Live" and "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." NBC will advertise on YouTube and promote the site on some of its TV shows.

Up until now Youtube was considered to be the deadly foe of the networks but I guess they figured if they can't beat them join them.

The same goes to us as content producers. It is not a battle against illegal downloading and streaming. We must find a way to work with these new media distribution channels.

GT Channel will be our first step in our attempt to make Best Motoring and Hot Version available over the net. Gt Channel will not limit to only the above. Wait just a little more and you will see. This is just the beginning...


ウォールストリートジャーナルでいよいよメジャーネットワークのNBCがYoutubeと提携したと出ました。人気番組のSaturday Night LiveやJay LenoのプロモーションをYoutubeと提携しながら行う。



ということで7月には「GT Channel]という新サービスを開始します。今までアメリカではDVDでしか見ることができなかったBest Motoring やHot Versionの動画配信を始めます。サービス開始まであと少し。しかし、まだまだこれは序の口です・・・

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