Friday, June 09, 2006

Chicken Sashimi For The Soul

Last week, Masa Kuji who runs Zigzag Asia (America) Inc. for us was back in Japan for the first time in 3 years.

We took every opportunity possible to try to get good Japanese food which he misses living in the US. Masa has a passion for Japanese sake and Japanese food. Even though he is in LA and often gets to eat Japanese food, there is nothing like the real deal back in Tokyo.

Here's a dish that is about to be cooked, you may think.

But no, it is not. It's a Japanese dish called Torisashi. Basically chicken sashimi.

Yes you read it right. It is raw chicken meat you enjoy with just some wasabi and soy sauce. Our friend Ichishima-san from Spoon (picture above facing away) took us to eat at a little hole in the wall yakitori joint near his office.

It was delicious and probably something Masa will never get to eat in the US.
Or should never eat anywhere else besides Japan for that matter...

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