When I first started Zigzag Asia in 2000 as a portal to Japan from the outside world, the net bubble had immediately crashed. Yeah, great timing. We quickly found ourselves looking for other ways to make money. We decided to focus on one of the most popular segments within our website. Which was "cars". So we went old school and started making VHS videos of English versions of Best Motoring in 2001. In 2002, we were making DVDs even before the original J versions were in DVD. That's 4 years ago.
Now the net is on a rampage again. Google is the dominant engine, Yahoo is strong as ever and investments in internet media is hotter than Jalapeno. Last year, Murdoch and News Corp spent 1.5 billion on My Space, IGN and other acquistions. News paid 650 MILLION on just IGN.com alone.
IGN is a popular youth site targeting gamers. It also has articles on cars and girls. How can you miss with that kind of content?! I also love this site because they never fail to review our DVDs.
Best Motoring review on IGN
So what I am getting at is it's time for Zigzag Asia to enter the internet ring again with an assault of video content we've accumulated in the past 5 years. We've been churning out video after video (28 DVD titles to be exact) waiting for the internet to finally develop enough so we can start sending this stuff over the net. We have more than 2500 minutes of car content fans drool over. This is the time we've been waiting for. Zigzag Asia was never a car company we are a company with a mission to become the gateway to Japan. We all love cars but that's not the reason why we started this. Cars are something Japanese are very proud of. It is a culture we have successfully exported abroad. They say manga is Japanese content that covers the world but Toyota, Honda and Nissan are way up there too. Who doesn't know Toyota these days? They may not know Yugioh but everyone knows Toyota and Honda. That's why we decided to concentrate on efforts on Japanese car culture 5 years ago.
We were just waiting for the internet technology to catch up to us. We have the brand, we have the content, now we are currently setting up a beta site to stream video and distribute over the net. The time has finally come. Now only if we can sell the site for $650M...
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